People often ask me to make space for them inside my luggage when I go travelling - since I've never yet been able to fulfill this request, I thought this would be the next best thing! This is where my backpack's been . . .
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Don't count your chickens before they're hatched
Today, I was finally able to sit down and figure out what day I wanted to leave Ottawa, and hence what day to book a van for from a rental company. I had been so busy finishing up my thesis and getting ready to move that I hadn't really had any time to sit down and think about this. But now, I am officially moved out of my apartment and officially done of my thesis so I thought it would be a good time to figure this sort of thing out, so that I could book somewhat ahead. I had been incredibly relieved to find a car company that would accept one way bookings to PEI, as apparently, most don't anymore, so I wasn't too concerned when I sat down in front of my computer today. I was thinking I would like to leave either Tuesday or Wednesday. This should give me sufficient time to clean out my desk and filing cabinet at the lab, and to organize my files, I should think.
Unfortunately, there was no "mini-van" option for either Tuesday or Wednesday. They seemed to be sold out. I started to panic and looked at Monday - in a pinch, I could probably finish up everything tonight, if I really really had to - but again, no vans . . . the same thing happened for Thursday, and Friday and, well you get the idea. At this point, I was saying all kinds of words out loud that should not be said in the presence of children. Finally, I had to resign myself to traveling on Thursday with an "SUV crossover" which was the roomiest vehicle I could find over the course of the week. It appears to be very similar to a minivan, but I am somewhat worried about fitting my stuff in there. It will need to be well packed, but fingers crossed that it will all go well.
Now, I just need to figure out what to do with this extra time I will be spending in Ottawa. Oh, and I am also (perhaps sadly?) bummed that I will have to miss Grey's on Thursday night because I will still be on the road. Yes, I am a wee bit obsessed, but I can't help it!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
My room is echoing!
Twenty-four hours after successfully defending my Masters I managed to complete my thesis corrections and submit my thesis along with all appropriate forms to graduate in October 2007. That’s right – I am now officially a master! . . . Well, at least of biology. It feels absolutely wonderful to have completed all of this and to be done. I am so ready for the next adventure!
I have been packing for the last few hours (it’s now
The official date for the upcoming move to
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Defense Date
Scottish Weather

Yep, cloudy and a bit on the cool side all the way. It's such a good thing that I am planning to move over just in time for winter - perfect timing on my part! :)
I will never forget what a scottish friend of mine once told me: You know how most people, when they go on holiday to some beautiful sunny destination turn from a pale white to perhaps a lovely sunburn pink? Well, the scots like to do it a bit differently. Since it's so cold there in the winter they actually have to defrost first, changing from a beautiful deep blue, to the pasty white, and then the sunburn pink. Given the complete paleness of my skin, I should fit right in!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Scotland Bound, yet again!
1. Passing my defense. It's not so much that I don't think I will end up with my MSc at the end of the day, but I am certainly more than worried about looking like a complete idiot in front of my friends and colleagues who are kind enough to come to the defense to support me. The major issue I am having with this is simply getting my defense date organized. I am hoping to have it sometime in the upcoming week, but as of yet, I have not had a date confirmed. I really should be studying . . . eek!
2. Moving out of my apartment in Ottawa. I have to be out of here by October 1st, so naturally my apartment is currently littered with half packed boxes, organized in piles that only I could comprehend. This will get better though. Right?
3. Finding a new home for all the stuff I cannot take with me. *sigh*. Since I am moving across an ocean, it is difficult to take all the things you have accumulated over the years to your new home. It's possible, but expensive - I could probably just buy new stuff for cheaper! Today it kind of hit me that I am saying goodbye to a lot of items that I have known for a long time and it made me kind of sad. I think it'll hit home even more tomorrow which is when my friends are coming to pick up my bed. Then it'll be me, an air mattress, and a whole lot of empty space for a week.
4. Moving all the stuff I want to keep, but am not taking with me right now to PEI. I have no idea how I am going to accomplish this anymore. Perhaps Greyhound? I will need to see how many boxes I have to move.
The good news is, once I get through all this stuff I will be in Scotland. That is my light at the end of the grad school tunnel.