People often ask me to make space for them inside my luggage when I go travelling - since I've never yet been able to fulfill this request, I thought this would be the next best thing! This is where my backpack's been . . .
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Another Year, Another Move
Tomorrow is New Years Eve. My time here has definitely gone by quickly. I have been back in the UK for 2 and a half months now and it just doesn't feel like it. So far, it has been a good experience coming back, although I do not yet feel truely settled. I think that will come with time once I get a place to my own and a "proper" job.
Speaking of jobs . . . I have been offered a new one as a Field Studies Instructor in the South of England. It's on the coast, near Weymouth. If you're not sure where that is, but would like to find out, click HERE. In the map, "A" represents Edinburgh (where I live now), "B" represents Shrewsbury (where I will be training for two weeks), and "C" shows Osmington (where I will eventually be working). Basically I'll be working at an education/outdoor adventure centre teaching kids between the ages of 7-17 all about cool science and environmental things. That's right, I said cool. :) I will probably also help out with some of the outdoor adventure stuff, but I am not sure exactly what I will be doing and probably won't know until I begin work. In two weeks, I start training and then I will be moved down to the coast to start the job. It goes until November and then who knows where I will go after that? It's all very exciting/nervewracking/terrifying. It will definitely keep me busy though as I will be working an average of 6 days a week and 42 hours per week. I don't think I will have much time for anything else with that scedule! Oh, and the other good thing is that room and board are included! Here's to another adventure!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Picture Time
I've put together some more photos on Facebook of what I've been doing since coming in Edinburgh. including how I spent Christmas. If you'd like to see them, please click HERE.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Mussel Cam
Today, I thought I would check out the news back home in PEI and guess what was one of the leading stories on CBC's website? That a webcam, filming a mussel in the water had been named one of the top 25 webcams in the world. So, naturally, I had to check it out. It is rather boring, but, it's good for a laugh. Below the picture there is this caption:
Mussels grow very, very slowly.
Please check back often.
There is also a cute disclaimer: "Please do not tap the glass".
To view the website please clich HERE. For now, here is a preview...

Genius, isn't it???
Mussels grow very, very slowly.
Please check back often.
There is also a cute disclaimer: "Please do not tap the glass".
To view the website please clich HERE. For now, here is a preview...

Genius, isn't it???
Is anyone else on Skype? I've just joined and I thought it might be a good way to keep in touch with everyone back home. It's free (as long as you already have the internet) and all you need is an account. So, if you've got an account give me a shout and if not, join up and we can keep in touch!
I hope you're all having a great Christmas. I will write more soon!
Monday, December 03, 2007
St. Andrews Day
There is nothing like St. Andrew's Day to bring out a good celidih! St. Andrew is the patron Saint of Scotland, so I have been told, although I am not exactly sure how or why he became that. Each year, on November 30th there is a Saint Andrew's Day celebration and lots to see and do Edinburgh. This year, there was a free celidih in Princes St. Gardens (don't worry we were in a tent, so we were plenty warm and dry). The celidih started at 6, and as luck would have it, that is when my shift ended. So, my friends Ali and Ya'hara headed out - first stopping at the German market for DELICIOUS crepes. Yes, there really is nothing like crepes for a healthy supper!
Anyway, the celidih was great - for those of you who might not know, a celidih is kind of like a big barn dance. There were several different bands that played and the first band we were there for was great for teaching you how to do the different steps (this came in handy later on in the night, as not all bands were as in to teaching you the steps!). There was one dance called the Canadian Barn Dance. When the band asked "Are there any Canadians in the room tonight?" I made sure to let them know I was there and I represented Canada well. You have to change partners thoughout the entire dance and, near the end, I was dancing with a Scotsman (complete with kilt) who told me "I was the first girl he'd danced with that knew what she was doing". haha. Little did he know I was a Scot in disguise.
I heart a good celidih and I hope to go to one in the near future!
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