People often ask me to make space for them inside my luggage when I go travelling - since I've never yet been able to fulfill this request, I thought this would be the next best thing! This is where my backpack's been . . .
Sunday, June 29, 2008
A series of unfortunate people
Right, so imagine me having an incredibly hectic morning just trying to finish packing. My suitcases were pretty much packed the night before, I just had to finish packing boxes which I was going to ship to Edinburgh. I was stressed, sweaty, and struggling to even close one of my suitcases. Thankfully, my friend Tom provided an extremely calm and helpful presence. Eventually I realized I was going to miss my train that I had booked to London for only £7 (Unfortunate event #1), but I didn't let it bother me too much. After all, it was my own fault for not having finished packing the night before (instead I went out for dinner with friends) and now here I was. So the new plan was that Tom and I were going to take a taxi into Weymouth, first stopping at a post office and then stopping at a cash machine to get money to pay for a taxi and then going to a restaurant for lunch.
Unfortunate person #1: The Taxi Booker Lady
So, in line with our plan, I called a taxi company to get someone to pick us up. I asked the taxi booker lady very nicely if the taxi driver could call me on my mobile once he got to our centre, so that I could meet him at the gate to let him in. That way, he could park right outside my chalet and I wouldn't have to carry those 5 heavy boxes up the hill. Ingenious plan, I thought.
"What do you mean "call""? she asked incredulously.
"Um, well if he could just phone me on my mobile to -"
"We don't call." (spoken as if I was a crazy person asking for gold nuggets in my coffee).
...later in the conversation....
"Are you paying by cash?"
"Um, yeah." In my head I wondered if it would be possible to pay by card, but was so stunned by their non-ability to call, I just decided to let that pass.
After the phone call ended I talked to Tom and we decided if I could possibly pay by card that would be better because then we wouldn't have to make that extra stop. So, I called the taxi booker lady back.
"Hi, I just called about a taxi?"
"I was wondering if I could possibly pay by card?"
"We don't accept card." (again spoken as if I was asking for gold nuggets in my coffee)
"Well, why the #$£% did you ask if I would be paying by cash then? What other form of payment would I be using - pebbles?!?! Arghhhhhhhhh!" and then I slammed the phone down.
... actually, in reality, my response was:
~More to follow~
Monday, June 16, 2008
Walking 'Round Portland
Last Chance for England
Tonight, my fate was sealed. There was a brief moment in time where there was a chance that I would be staying in England because I was offered an interview for the position of Assistant Chief Instructor. I decided to go for it because it would give me the opportunity to expand a lot of the skills I have now. Unfortunately (or perhaps thankfully?) I didn’t get the job. Therefore, I am definitely returning to Scotland. In fact, by this time next week I will be in "home".
I am not entirely sure how I feel about not getting the job. In some ways it is good, because, in the long-term I do not doubt that I would want to return to Scotland anyway, but in other ways, it would have been so much easier to have a new job a place to live down here, because, at the moment I am homeless, jobless, and penniless. Life will certainly be an adventure the next few months! I really hope that everything works out over the next few months.
My last day of work is Friday and I cannot wait! From there I will spending a few days in London before taking the train up to Edinburgh. Wish me luck with everything!
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Rambling Through Radipole

In other wildlife news . . . I saw my first wild badger two nights ago! A few of us from work went to Lorton Meadows Nature Reserve with the intention of staking out a badger sett to try and see if we could spot one. After sitting on the ground for about an hour, I was starting to get a little cold and a little tired, when suddenly I could hear something running around behind me. I turned, and not even 3 ft away was a baby badger! It scared me half to death, as I was not expecting anything to be that close . . . and then it just turned and ran away. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my "close encounter" with a real live badger. Oh, and we also saw a roe deer . . . well, at least we think it was a roe deer (it was pretty far away!).
Yes, I am turning into a wildlife geek!